Wednesday, 21 July 2010


Holidays are sweet. Today we came back from Tallinn. Tomorrow we head again back to our summer cottage. Sweet.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Summer holiday continues.

1 week behind. 3 more weeks to go.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Summer summer summer!

My summer holiday has started and I am heading to our summer cabin. Don't know when I'll get back - so no blogging for now. Enjoy the summer!!!

(Picture from blog Audrey Hepburn Complex)

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Today I want. 8.7.2010.

My bathroom closet is a mess. I want it to look like this:

I'm very tired at the moment and I want to take a nap in here:

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Hang out.

I would love to hang out in these lovely places:

(Picture from Marie Claire Maison)

(Picture via Pinterest)

(Picture via Style Files)

(Picture via My Ideal Home)

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Light pastels.

I'm so into light pastel shades at the moment. Just can't get enough of them.

Don't you just love the pink door?! If I drank coffee, I would want to drink it from this pink mug on my way to work. Post it notes are the best and these funky match post its are fun.

Bigger spaces.

Kesällä tuntuu olevan koko ajan jotain menoa ja illat kotona ovat harvassa. Tänään nautiskelin kodin siivoamisesta (joo'o sekin on kivaa kun kämppä päätyy räjähdysmäiseen kuntoon) ja urheilusta ja to do -listan asioiden hoitamisesta. Katselin siinä tätä meidän omaa muutamaa neliötä ja ajattelin että isoa kämppää olisi kamala siivota, mutta muuten isommat ja väljemmät tilat houkuttelee.

Today I've enjoyed being at home and doing normal things like cleaning and going to the gym. As I was cleaning I wondered how nice a bigger home would be - although there would be more to clean ;)

(Picture from Decor8)

(Picture from City Sage blog)

(Picture from My Ideal Home)


I'm totally hooked on a song by Emma Salokoski. The song is called Veden Alla and the video is also lovely.

These lovely lace carpets are from Hooked design.

Monday, 5 July 2010

It's a beautiful day.

It's a beautiful day - don't let it get away.

Wallstickers from Harmonie Interiure.

Photo by Beth Retro.

Friday, 2 July 2010


They've promised +30 degrees this weekend to the area where our summer cabin is. Can't wait to get there and swim in the lake! So no blogging this weekend. I'll be enjoying the outdoors. Here's some lovely outdoor images:

1. Image from Style Files.
2. Image from Style me pretty.
3. Image from Lonny Magazine.
4. Image from Martha Stewart.
5. Image from Marie Claire Maison.
6. Image from blog.
7. Image from Style files.

Thursday, 1 July 2010


It's summer and in Finland it's lovely and bright this time of year. These lovely light fabrics suit the mood.

1. The duvet is from Urban Outfitters (but possibly sold out)
2. Unknown
3. Picture of the pillows is by Trine Thorsen


Punaisten puisten helmien arvonnan voittaja on Hetkinen -blogin Lilla! Onnea Lilla!!!
Postia tulee ensi viikolla =)

Kiitos kaikille osallistujille =)

Picture from Creative Mint.
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